20sep7:00 pm8:30 pmCONSERVATION CAFÉ: Understanding Flood Risk and Meaningful Engagement
Event Details
(IN-PERSON AT WOODEND) In Victor’s Conservation Cafe on Understanding Flood Risk and Meaningful Engagement, he will discuss flooding
Event Details
(IN-PERSON AT WOODEND) In Victor’s Conservation Cafe on Understanding Flood Risk and Meaningful Engagement, he will discuss flooding in Washington, DC and the measures that have been taken to reduce the risk. With his experience in the District and teaching residents about the impact of flooding he will also share the meaningful outreach and engagement lessons learned and what we can do better to reach and protect the most vulnerable communities.
Speaker Bio:
Victor Ukpolo Jr. is a Certified Floodplain Manager for the District of Columbia’s Department of Energy and Environment. He began in floodplain management 5 years ago at Baltimore City’s Department of Planning, where he also ran the City’s Community Rating System program.
Victor attended Morgan State University, an historically black college, as an undergrade in the Biological Sciences Department. It was during these years his social consciousness evolved on campus, but also off campus for the environment, as he canvassed for local environmental organizations. In later years, he earned a Master’s in Environmental Science at California State University, Los Angeles.
He has experienced working in several corners of the environmental profession, including advocacy and organizing. Over the years, Victor has also worked as a Risk Assessor and Recycling Specialist. He’s a former Chesapeake Bay Program Citizens Advisory Committee Member for the State of Maryland, where in 2014 he led the advocacy to adopt current diversity and environmental justice language into the 2014 Chesapeake Bay Agreement.
Victor’s current and most rewarding role is being a father, husband, and steward in his own community.
(Wednesday) 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: Woodend Nature Sanctuary
8940 Jones Mill Road