The African Adventure of a Lifetime

March 3 – 15, 2025
Leader: Mark S. Garland

You are invited to join Nature Forward on an unforgettable safari to Kenya.

Our trip is organized by Classic Escapes, a US-based company known for organizing top-quality trips to Africa and other locations around the world. Nature Forward has worked with Classic Escapes on all of our previous trips to Africa. Click here for a presentation on all the amazing sites this trip has to offer!

Trip leader and experienced naturalist Mark S. Garland and Nature Forward Senior Naturalist Genevieve Wall will accompany you and the group. They will be working with an outstanding team of native African naturalist guides including naturalist Albert Mitcho Karisa, one of the best and most experienced guides currently leading tours in East Africa.

Please see below for our itinerary, cost sheet, and registration form for the trip.

We hope you will join us to discover the amazing birding, natural history, people, and landscapes of Kenya.

Images courtesy Classic Escapes

Dear friends:

There’s no wildlife experience on Earth that can match the wondrous experiences of an African safari. 

The scenery of East Africa is worth the trip on its own, with tree-dotted savannas stretching on for miles and rugged mountains punctuating the horizon in many locations. When you come over a rise and suddenly realize that you’re close to a herd of elephants, zebras, giraffes, impalas, or other big mammals, you can’t help but feel wonder and awe.  Toss in the thrill of spotting predators – lion, leopard, cheetah, jackal, hyena, and others – and each day afield can bring countless highlights.

While the big mammals get all the headlines, East Africa supports a dazzling variety of bird life. Lilac-breasted Rollers and Superb Starlings and showy and widespread songbirds. Wet spots harbor many different herons, egrets, waterfowl, flamingos, and shorebirds often side by side with hippos. Glance skyward and you’re likely to see soaring eagles, vultures, storks, or swallows.  Curious and observant naturalists will also enjoy seeing African butterflies, beetles, frogs, lizards, and some enormous crocodiles. Cultural experiences are also included, from meetings with pastoral Maasai natives to a wildlife rehabilitation project.

This will be my 15th trip to Africa’s safari region, and I’m just as excited for this trip as I was for my first, nearly 20 years ago. 

I look forward to sharing magical experiences with Nature Forward members.

Asante sana (thank you),

Mark S. Garland

Mark Garland
Trip Leader Mark Garland