Holiday Tree Recycling
Every year in the United States alone, we generate 1 million extra tons of garbage every week from Thanksgiving to New Years. Help be part of the solution to needless waste, and climate change, by responsibly disposing of your holiday greenery or Christmas tree if possible. Many municipalities collect holiday greenery and turn it into mulch, giving it a second life and helping plants grow. Here is some information about how to show your love for the earth during the holiday season and recycle your holiday greenery:
D.C. :
Homes serviced by the city’s trash collection system can call 311 for a pickup. Multifamily homes have their own dedicated pickup. Anyone can drop off greenery at locations listed here:
Montgomery County:
MoCo accepts holiday greenery year round as part of normal curbside trash collection for single family homes. For tenants of multifamily residences, check with your building manager to request a special collection for holiday greenery and trees. You can also drop off greenery at any transfer station:
Prince George’s County:
Homes serviced by Yard Trim Collection can place their greenery on the curb on trash collection day until January 27th, or drop off at two locations, with more information here:
Normal curbside collection for those serviced by the city’s collection system:
Arlington County:
Normal curbside collection until January 10th for those serviced by the county’s collection system, or drop off:
Fairfax County:
Those without public trash collection will need to contact their hauling company. People serviced by the county’s collection system can leave greenery for normal curbside pickup between January 6th and 17th or drop off at one of these locations: