Woodend Restoration –


As native plant diversity increases in a meadow, wildlife benefits increase as well.

A meadow is an ecosystem made up of plant communities that do not include trees and shrubs. Historically, meadows developed in our region where forests experienced disturbance, such as lightning fires.

Wildflower meadows provide food and habitat for bees, butterflies, birds, and other wildlife. As native plant diversity increases in a meadow, wildlife benefits increase as well.

In 2013, NF replanted a quarter-acre meadow replacing non-native grasses that did not support wildlife. In their place, volunteers planted 3,000 native grasses, sedges and forbs, and spread native seed mixes to amazing effect.

The restored meadow has come to life with a succession of native wildflowers blooming among grasses, attracting birds and pollinators of all types.

Throughout spring, summer and fall blooming seasons, a diversity of birds and insects flit, buzz and hum among meadow flowers – sipping nectar, eating seeds, and laying eggs.

Join our dedicated volunteers who tend the meadow by removing invasive plants and keeping an inventory of when plants bloom each year.

Come visit as we make progress toward a vision of Woodend as an urban oasis of nature for all people and all wildlife.

Plants for Meadow Gardens

Ways to Get Involved:

For books and resources on habitats and wildlife, visit Woodend’s Nature Forward Naturalist Shop.

Visit Education page to sign up for nature classes and field trips.

“It’s exciting to see new native plant specifies appearing on the property. Educating children about the importance of biodiversity, food chains, and native flora and fauna becomes much easier when you are able to point them out.”

– Frank

“My first experience volunteering at Woodend involved surveying and nurturing the Restored Meadow. I quickly learned to identify many native plant species that were thriving in the meadow and also how much fun it was to volunteer with other nature loving folks.”

– Maura

“There is nothing like hands-on experience removing invasive plants and replacing them with native species. Through that process, I have learned more about each plant’s value and impact on improvement of the vibrancy and resilience of the plant and animal diversity at Woodend”

– Gregg

“I can not thank you all enough for providing fulfilling tangible projects – that saw the full lifecycle of restoration from invasive removal to planting – for our crews to really understand the impact of their work in the watershed.”

– Arielle

Visit Woodend Sanctuary

8940 Jones Mill Road
Chevy Chase, MD 20815

Trails are open daily from dawn to dusk
Admission is free

If you are in Northern Virginia,
you also can 
visit our Rust Sanctuary

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