Take Action
YOU can make a difference!
DID YOU KNOW? Storm drains carry dog poop, lawn chemicals, oily spills and other trash into our local water supply. Completely separate from the sewer system that leads to a treatment plant, storm drain systems include gutters, pipes, ditches and drainage ways that transport water directly to local streams, rivers or lakes.
Homeowners can help protect the health of our streams by managing the quality and quantity of rainwater that flows off their property.

- Plant native trees and plants; remove invasive plant species.
- Sweep patios, driveways and other paved areas rather than hose them off. Bag or compost debris, don’t sweep it into the street.
- Dispose of yard and lawn trimmings properly such as composting, recycling or yard debris pick-up.
- Collect roof runoff in a rain barrel to use for watering plants and gardens.
- Make sure wastewater from washing the exterior of your home or roof is not discharged into the street. Infiltrate it directly into the grass or gravel.
- Install permeable surfaces for sidewalks, patios and driveways.
- Install a rain garden. Many localities offer a monetary credit or other financial incentive to homeowners interested in installing a rain garden.
- Disconnect your roof downspout and direct the water into a grassy area, permeable pavement, or rain garden instead of into the storm drain.

- Scoop doggy poop!

- Reduce fertilizer, herbicides and pesticide use. Consider using organic fertilizers; they release nutrients more slowly.
- Take your vehicle to a commercial car wash that treats and recycles water. If you are washing your car at home, use a bucket instead of a hose.
- Recycle used motor oil. Many auto supply stores, car care centers, and gas stations will accept used oil. Do not pour liquid waste down floor drains, sinks or storm drains.
- During winter storms apply de-icing products discriminately, focusing on high use areas and slopes where traction is critical.