Conservation News – Winter 2022-2023

Washington, DC

Migratory Wildlife Protection Act of 2022: On October 21st, Nature Forward testified at the Public Hearing on the Migratory Wildlife Protection Act, also known as Bird Safe Buildings Act, which calls for most new or substantially remodeled buildings in DC to incorporate these bird-friendly measures. Thank you to the action takers that have submitted over 70 letters to the council in support of this bill! Read Nature Forward’s testimony on the bill.

Northern Virginia

Prince William County passes the largest land use change in decades: The PW Digital Gateway Comprehensive Plan Amendment has been highly controversial but now it has been approved by the Board of County Supervisors. At the end of a 14-hour public hearing, the Board passed the plan which will open over 2,100 acres of the Rural Crescent to data centers, putting the Occoquan Reservoir, a primary source of drinking water for
Northern Virginia, at risk. Read more.


Montgomery County’s Forest Conservation Law: The current Montgomery County Council has delayed review of Forest Conservation Bill 25-22 to the next Council. We will continue to push for the strongest forest protections with the next Council along with all allies, partners, and community members. We will keep you updated on the new ways you can take action. Read about our work on strengthening the County’s Forest Conservation Law.

This post first appeared in the Winter 2022-2023 Naturalist Quarterly.