Dear Friend,
We need YOUR help next week to protect Fairfax County parks! Over the past two years, Nature Forward and the Fairfax Parks Coalition won $2 million in funding for natural resource management and environmental justice in Fairfax County.
But all of that progress could be reversed.Fairfax County administrators have proposed severe budget cuts that would completely and immediately erase those gains. Unless they hear from us right away!
Here is the situation. This fall we need to tell the Fairfax County Park Authority to stand up for our communities when they submit their proposed budget. They can’t cave to austerity cuts. Our county needs these programs!
Those funds are essential for staff ecologists who can ensure all our parks have healthy ecosystems; the multilingual outreach staff to reach communities who need it the most; and the mobile nature center to travel across our county bringing parks to residents. We fought hard for these significant wins and more. Now we must protect these programs. That’s where you come in.