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2025 Maryland General Assembly: Moore than just Energy
ACTION ITEMS: Before February 6: Support the Abundant Affordable Clean Energy (AACE) (HB0398, SB0316): Before February 11: Support the Bay Legacy Act (HB0506/SB0428): Before February 13: Support the Data Center…
Speak up for stronger climate action leadership in Fairfax County!
In September 2021, Fairfax County’s Board of Supervisors adopted the county’s first-ever Community-wide Energy and Climate Action Plan (CECAP). But reaching aggressive targets on time will take bold leadership. TAKE…
Sprawl is bad for forests and streams
The Washington, DC area has lost a great deal of forest over the last few decades due to sprawl and suburban development. This has also harmed our streams and watersheds….
Take Action Now: Protect Ten Mile Creek from more pavement!
On January 17th, 2023, The Montgomery County Council will hold a public hearing on ZTA 22-12 which will essentially allow for more impervious surfaces around Ten Mile Creek. This ZTA…
Sprawl is Bad for the Climate
Nature Forward supports land-use plans that fight sprawl with development that keeps housing and business growth centered near transit and away from forests and farms.
Equipping our Community Scientists to Monitor Streams
Nature Forward received a grant from the Society for Biodiversity Preservation (SBP) in January 2022 to purchase equipment for use by our volunteers who monitor streams in the Washington, DC…
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Phone: (301) 450-1458
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