Tree Champion Donors
- MJ Alexander
- Karoline & Roger Anders
- D. H. Michael Bowen
- Boyd L. Burris
- Chevy Chase Chapter NSDAR
- Chevy Chase Land Company
- James Graeter
- Cynthia McGrath
- FK Millar
- Alfred Wurglitz
- Emma Basch
- Susan Blaha
- Sharon & Bob Buchanan
- Elizabeth Carl & Victoria Hill
- Bernadette & Peter Chapin
- Chevy Chase Land Company
- Catherine Doughty
- Laura Farron
- Barbara & John Franklin
- Michael & Susan Gerecht
- David Jarvis
- Carolyn Pisano Leonard
- Alesha Mack
- Kristie Miller
- Kathleen Montague
- Daniel Neal
- Katherine Payne
- Katie Phelps
- Kathryn Powers
- Sandra Purohit
- Christopher Smith
- Philip Teigen
- Edward Walker
- Janis Alcorn
- Karoline & Roger Anders
- Roger Anders
- Nancy Bagwell
- Harvey & Fran Berger
- Leonard Bisson
- Erica Bollerud
- Deborah Bombard
- Letitia Carlson
- Donna Rae Castillo
- Clayton Cochran
- Colette Claude Cowey
- Brian Cox
- Anne Fieldhouse
- Richard Fieldhouse
- Gail & Quentin Fisher
- Rebecca Fitz
- Ashley Flory
- Elizabeth Crafford
- JoAnn Crandall
- Catherine Cukras & Mark Daly
- Anne DeNovo
- Catherine Cukras & Mark Daly
- Anne DeNovo
- Maj-Britt Dohlie
- Tom Donohue
- Jeff Eagan
- Gail & John Edie
- Cris & Jonathan Fleming
- Barbara Francisco
- Girl Scout Troop 34033
- Ellen Gold
- Barbara Gordon
- Michael Gravitz
- Nancy Grissom
- John & Corbin Harwood
- Paul Hillery
- Susan Hoffman
- John Houghton & Janet Loneragan
- Joe & Mary Howard
- Joseph & Mary Howard
- Amy Hudson
- Cheryl Iglesia
- Laurie Jenkins
- Mary R. Johanningsmeier
- Bruce Johnson
- Elaine & Ernest Joselovitz
- Sarah Keener & Robert Green
- Melanie Killen
- Lynn Kinch
- Jeffrey Kovar & Katherine Perkins
- Karen Lange
- Patricia Larkin
- Nancy Lee
- Alan & Marilyn Levitt
- Ann & Erik Lichter
- Marcia Lim
- Lillian Luksenburg
- Steve Malone & Mary Alexander
- Stephanie Martin
- Mary Massey
- Cynthia McCormick
- Sharon & John McCracken
- Robert & Beverly McGaughy
- Kate Meade
- Theresa Meehan
- Pamela Mertz
- Kristie Miller
- Penny Moran
- Warren H. Morris
- Diana Morse
- Betty Mullendore
- Tena Nauheim
- Nany Ody
- Olney Brookeville Book Club
- Cara Olsen
- Anthony Osretkar
- Katherine Payne
- Alison Pearce
- Carolyn Peirce
- Susan Petro
- Katherine Pielemeier
- Nancy & John Pielemeier
- Richard & Martha Pine
- Mark & Jean Raabe
- Sue Ricciardi
- Barbara & Bill Roberts
- John & Anne Rollins
- Nancy Rosan
- Jeanne L. Rossomme
- Mark Rothenberg & Ivy Baer
- Mary Sahdev
- Olivia Sargon-Glasgow
- Kendra Schechter
- Nicholas Schliapin
- Barbara Schubert & Steven Rosen
- Walter Schumann
- Mary Scott
- Kathleen Shahan
- Pamela Shank
- Rebecca Shuford
- Robert B. Smythe
- Drew Snyder & Laura Schattschneider
- Carole Spalding
- Sarah Stout
- Jennifer Strasburger & Dillard Boland
- Jil M. Swearingen
- Elizabeth Taylor
- Matt Testa
- Rosamund Timberg
- Cindy Todd & Mary Scott
- Frank Turley
- Joy Viertel
- The Walters Family
- Irene & Thomas Walton
- Nancy Weiss
- Anne & Daniel Whitt
- Ronald Wilson
- Craig Winslow & Diane Blumenthal
- Carolyn & Donald Winter
- Laurence Wiseman & Robin Jeweler

Give a gift that lasts: Help plant a tree at Woodend Sanctuary.
Our goal is to increase native biodiversity, while greatly reducing the presence of non-native invasive plants. The restoration of native plant communities will foster the recovery of interrelated environmental systems in the decades to come, including soil health, groundwater recharge and native food webs.
Native tree species to be planted include American Holly (Ilex opaca), Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana), Fringetree (Chionanthus virginicus), Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis), Inkberry (Ilex glabra), and Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana).
We’re excited to watch renewed tree saplings grow and thrive to become a future forest, and nurture the restoration of habitats for native species including shrub-nesting songbirds and the amphibians that require herbaceous cover.
You can be part of this rebirth by enhancing our ability to support our wildlife!
For more information
about the Plant A Tree Campaign
or the Woodend Restoration Project,
please contact:
Corinna Fisk at
[email protected]
or by phone at (301) 652-9188 x31