19oct6:00 pm8:30 pmAnnual Meeting
Event Details
Event Details
Nature Forward Annual Meeting
Thursday, October 19, 6-8:30 pm
Woodend Sanctuary
Guest Speaker: Dr. Riva Riley, Zoologist and Stand-up Comedian
“The science and humor of zoology: why fish are funny, how fish are funny, and what I learned along the way.”
Calling all Nature Forward members and supporters! Be sure to join us for the 2023 Annual Meeting to celebrate the completion of all four promises of the Nature for All campaign and look ahead to the bright future for our organization.
The evening event will include recognition of Natural History Field Studies graduates and the election of members to the Nature Forward Board of Directors. Coffee and dessert will be served.
Our speaker, Riva Riley, will explore the fascination and humor of animal behavior and the scientists who study it. She will also reflect on the institutions and conventions that have shaped how science works and who has the chance to become scientists.
Please RSVP to this free event by registering online at give.natureforward.org/am2023.
Nature Forward members will vote on candidates for the Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting. An official notice including profiles of the Board candidates nominated by the Nominating Committee will be posted at natureforward.org/board after October 1.
(Thursday) 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: Woodend Nature Sanctuary
8940 Jones Mill Road