UPDATE 5/11/23: YOU HELPED US GET MORE FUNDING! We are so grateful for everyone who wrote comment letters, talked to their supervisors, and testified at the budget public hearings in support of the Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA). The Board added significant funds in support of several of our asks below, including:
- One-time funding through the Third Quarter Review of $400,000 for bamboo removal on Park property and (2) $500,000 to better address the forest management backlog of tree-concerns on Park property.
- Four additional full-time staff positions including: (1) One position to support bamboo mitigation ($152,642) and (2) Three positions to support forestry operations ($293,463)
- $114,640 to support partial year operation of a Mobile Nature Center (w/Park Foundation support for the vehicle).
Your advocacy helped secure an additional $1,460,745 for FCPA this coming year: THANK YOU!
Let’s build on last year’s funding success!
Ask our supervisors to better fund parks before the budget hearings start on April 11.
Make your voice heard now!
Didn’t we do this last year?
Yes! Last year Fairfax County residents like you raised their voices to support the important work of our Park Authority and the Fairfax Board of Supervisors gave an additional $1 million to the Park Authority to support natural resource stewardship.
This year, the Fairfax County Park Authority has asked to further build on this foundation. They have proposed an FY2024 budget that prioritizes equity, community engagement, and natural resource management, however the County Executive’s proposed budget does not fund most of the equity and natural resource programs.
Your voice is urgently needed again this year:
Each spring, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors seeks feedback on the annual budget. Again, this year’s budget proposal shows our parks getting far less money than they need to stay healthy and truly benefit all Fairfax County residents. As a voter and a supporter of our parks, please speak up using the red “Start writing” button below!
Help us build a wave of support!
Send a short email! Clearly state your support for funding our parks and tell your supervisor about why funding our parks is important to you. Then ask your supervisor to support more funding the Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA).
Want more details?
Refer to our more in depth FCPA budget talking points!
Asks for funding equity
NOTE: None of these asks below were included in the budget proposal. We are asking to:
(1) Fully fund essential interpretation and translation for $50,000 to ensure equitable access to park signage, meetings, or outreach efforts in languages of people commonly served for those parks.
(2) Fully fund a mobile nature center for $229,279 to bring nature to communities who need it.
(3) Fully fund new “activation staff” for $314,000 to help parks be more engaging and welcoming to all visitors, particularly those in areas which have suffered divestment.
(4) Begin funding the Park Ranger Pilot Program for $500,000 to allow the Park Authority to safely respond to many incidents with education rather than police involvement.
Asks for funding ecological stewardship
(1) Begin funding zero waste efforts for $500,000. FCPA is an important partner organization participating in the Fairfax County Zero Waste plan. Additional funding is required for FCPA to achieve the long-term goals in the plan, in properly dealing with recycling and reducing trash, but none of the requested $2.9MM was included in the budget.
(2) Fully fund the forestry budget for 3 new staff positions $293,463. The current budget proposal only includes $57,000 which is less than 8% of the requested $739,463 to address dangerous trees in our parks. FCPA needs staff (2 tree care specialists and one urban forester) to assist with this on-going effort. We appreciate the current Third Quarter Review budget proposal for $500,000 which would cover additional tree removal and $88,000 for a vehicle purchase, though we recognize that annual recurring funding would be more sustainable, as forestry investments will be on-going.
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Otherwise, dive right in and write an email now!
If you’re feeling good about writing a quick message, jump right in below and send a note today!