Tag: Forest
advocacy Annual Reports and Financial Reports audubon autumn Beltway Biodiversity & Habitats Birding Budget Clean energy Climate Crisis Conservation Conservation Cafe data centers DC energy environment Equity Fairfax County Forest Forest Bathing General Assembly Human Health & Access to Nature Maryland migrant birds Montgomery County name change National Audubon Society Native Plant Gardening Naturalist Quarterly nature forward quarterly News Releases Parents Parks preschool Prince George's County Reports restoration State of the Streams Sustainable Land Use Virginia Water Quality Monitoring Watersheds Woodend Woodend Monthly woodend nature sanctuary
Act Now to save our parks from budget cuts!
Updated December 13, 2024 Our 2024 fall/winter letter writing campaign is now closed. Thank you to everyone who wrote comments to County Executive Hill! While this letter writing campaign is…
¡Actúa ahora para salvar nuestros parques de los recortes presupuestarios!
Actualizado el 13 de diciembre de 2024 Nuestra campaña de redacción de cartas de otoño/invierno de 2024 ha concluido. ¡Gracias a todos los que le escribieron comentarios al Ejecutivo del…
Help keep parks on the minds of our Fairfax County Supervisors!
We need your help again this year to ask our Fairfax County Board of Supervisors to continue to prioritize funding for equity and stewardship programs in our Park Authority!
¡Ayude para que los Parques sean una prioridad para nuestros Supervisores en el Condado de Fairfax!
Las audiencias presupuestarias comienzan el 16 de abril. ¡AHORA es el momento de pedirle a su supervisor que apoye el presupuesto propuesto para los parques en el año fiscal 2025…
Maryland & Montgomery County Forest Wins
Montgomery County and the State of Maryland have both just passed legislations to update their forest conservation laws. Both are historic wins for Maryland’s forests, and both expand protections for…
Maryland General Assembly 2023 Wrap Up!
April 10th marked the end of the 2023 Maryland General Assembly. We are excited to report that ALL of Nature Forward’s MDG23 priority bills passed and are now waiting for…
Speak up for Equity and Stewardship in Fairfax County Parks!
We need your help again this year to ask our Fairfax County Board of Supervisors to better fund equity and stewardship programs in our Park Authority!
Montgomery County Council Passed Unanimously an updated Forest Conservation Law!
Montgomery County Council will have a hearing on Forest Conservation Bill 25-22 on Tuesday, February 7th at 1:30pm. See below in three ways you can take action to save trees…