Tag: Water Quality Monitoring
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For the Love of Muck and Macroinvertebrates: A Former Camper Returns to Conduct Research on Woodend’s Restored Pond
By Meg Jarvis I’m Meg Jarvis (they/them), and this past summer I surveyed the aquatic macroinvertebrate populations in Woodend Sanctuary’s recently restored pond. I attend university in Brighton, England, but…
State of the Streams 2024
Nature Forward’s new report provides a unique snapshot of five natural resources in our region: Accotink Creek, Little Falls Branch, Rock Creek, Seneca Creek, and Sligo Creek.
Stream Monitoring Volunteers are Your “Eyes on the Ground”
October. Fall Monitoring. Three incidents discovered and reported. For nearly 30 years, WQM volunteers have played a crucial role in protecting streams by serving as “eyes on the ground.” They…
Equipping our Community Scientists to Monitor Streams
Nature Forward received a grant from the Society for Biodiversity Preservation (SBP) in January 2022 to purchase equipment for use by our volunteers who monitor streams in the Washington, DC…
Find Older Conservation Blog Posts
Conservation Blog posts prior to November, 2022 can be found at our old URL: http://conservationblog.anshome.org/. Please visit us there to read more great content on our work!
Why water quality monitoring speaks to me
By Pete Yarrington, long-time WQM volunteer Editor’s note: This article was adapted from Pete Yarrington’s testimony at the May 17, 2001 Nature Forward (then Audubon Naturalist Society) presentation to the…