Nature Forward Opposes Project Pipes III

This is a special edition blog post by Sally Winthrop, Conservation Department Volunteer at Nature Forward.

In July 2023, Jamoni asked me if I would be interested in joining zoom meetings with Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN) on electrification efforts in DC. I’ve been searching for ways to get more involved in climate activities, so this was a great opportunity. Since then, I’ve been meeting remotely with two groups every week to advocate for DC’s Healthy Homes Act (HHA), and against the continuation of Project Pipes (renamed as District Safe). If passed by the DC Council, HHA will provide funding for low and middle income households to switch from methane gas to cleaner electricity. The effort to stop Project Pipes would save DC rate payors hundreds of millions of dollars for unnecessary gas pipe replacement.

I’ve enjoyed becoming part of this community of climate advocates, and have learned a lot about developing strategies to fight for clear energy on a local level. I’ve had the opportunity to meet with DC Chairman Phil Mendelson, and other council members to voice my support of HHA and opposition to Project Pipes. I’ve staffed tables at farmers’ markets and have had meaningful conversations with residents about dangers of methane leaks in their homes.

The most important thing I’ve learned is that there are caring, dedicated people who are working tirelessly on our behalf to fight for climate justice. But they can’t do everything on their own. At this critical time, they need the support, work and talent of as many of us as possible. Please consider volunteering with Nature Forward as an advocate – it’s a very rewarding experience!

What has the advocacy team been working on recently?

DC advocacy has been focused on decarbonization as an intersectional justice issue related to climate, health, housing, childhood development, and economic development. We have been advocating for Healthy Homes for All, a bill that will provide 30,000 low to moderate income homes with electrification retrofits to transition off of gas. We have also been advocating for the Public Service Commission to oppose a billion-dollar pipe expansion program also known as “Project Pipes” by Washington Gas to invest money into dirty fossil fuels. As DC looks to reach its carbon neutrality goals, we need to invest in electrification infrastructure and not throw money away into health hazardous gas infrastructure.

Advocates at 10/25/24 Project Pipes Rally. Photo Credit: Jamoni Overby (2024).

How has Sally helped the Conservation Team?

Over the past two years, Sally has helped the team in various ways including tracking bills, attending coalition meetings as a notetaker and meetings with Councilmembers as a representative of Nature Forward. More recently, Sally has attending weekly meetings with partner organizations all apart of Electrify DC Council Group to help bring awareness to the dangers of Project Pipes 3, support strategizing coalition efforts, and gain the support of council members. Sally was influential in our most recent success of having 10 out of 13 councilmembers including Chairman Mendelson to send a letter to the Public Service Commission opposing the project and encouraging a new energy planning process that protects consumers and aligns with existing law.

Sally at 10/25/24 Project Pipes Rally. Photo Credit: Sally Winthrop (2024).

What kinds of volunteer opportunities are there?

Volunteer opportunities vary in DC, MD and VA. Advocates share opportunities related to research, writing comments and testimony for hearings, tracking bills during MD and VA general assemblies, drafting blog posts, and tabling outreach opportunities at community events and more! If there is something you are interested in getting involved in, Nature Forward has something for you.

Nature Forward is support CCAN’s letter writing campaign to tell the Public Service Commission to reject Washington Gas’s Project III / District Safe pipe replacement project. Send in your letter and the the PSC that we don’t need more air and health polluting gas pipes. Although the PSC desition is still pending, you can still send your letters today. Click here to read more and send your letter.